Microcosm game
Microcosm game

Lucky for you, someone decided to strap a couple Arri 12k’s on the front of your ship, so none of your surroundings will ever look dark or hard to distinguish. The background movies will play independent of the cartoon ship action or your movements, though you will have to avoid the walls. The name of the first game that did this video background deal escapes me, much to my personal shame, but you’ll be playing this through a behind-the-ship view identical to the appropriate sequences in Rebel Assault. If you’re expecting some cartoon fighter ships overlaid on some CG footage of pink walls, you’ve got the right idea. Don’t expect to do any learning from this game – I have no doubt the designers studied anatomy for this project, but the detail isn’t going to be enough for med students to exclaim “Look, the hypopericardioratoriumius!” as they pass it by. There’s no functional difference between flying down an artery and flying down the tunnel of an alien base, but the body gives you the opportunity to fight in places that look different to what you’re used to. The concept works decently enough though, and is a vaguely unique idea as far as games go (this is the only “inside the body” game I’m aware of).

microcosm game microcosm game

But then, of course, you wouldn’t have a game, or the “microcosm” of the title. It would seem, if you could get close enough to stick the dude with a needle, you should simply poison him and be done with it. There are little guard drones, some heavy “boss” drones, support structures, docking stations – it’s a little mechanized army in there. It seems like a terribly inefficient way to kill a man. And instead of fighting disease or cancer – because that would just be silly, right? – you fight thousands of little nanomachines plugging away at your CEO’s brain. The result is MicroCosm, a pretty standard track shooter that takes place zipping around inside the human body.

microcosm game

The mega-corporations would battle it out inside the body of one of their CEOs, and Psygnosis would create “ Fantastic Voyage: The Game.” Our buddies at Psygnosis, responsible for the quirky Sentient, came up with a solution. In the far future, two mega-corporations battle for supremacy, and one game company needs a gimmick for their new game.

Microcosm game